Learn about who we are and what we seek to accomplish
at The School of Athens.
In the classical liberal arts tradition, to provide educational experiences which inspire lifelong learning in the pursuit of the most noble ideas, artistic and intellectual accomplishments of mankind.
We seek to read insightfully, to think clearly and critically, to write beautifully, to speak articulately, and to inspire refinement of character.

The School of Athens is an independent, unaffiliated, non-partisian, nonprofit adult academy of forever learning, for discerning adults.
The School of Athens aspires to be the preeminent adult academy.

The image of the Blue Marble is the most beloved and well-known icon in history. It is a real photograph of Earth taken by the Apollo 17 crew on the way to the moon, in 1972. This photo was shot with an onboard Hasselblad camera; it is not a photo-shopped clip made by satellite images. This was the achievement of our species, our civilization. Notice there are no political, no religious boundaries.